
  • ANCI Lazio (Italia),
  • BSC, Business Support Centre, Kranj (Slovenia),
  • Development agency of eastern Thessaloniki’s local authorities – Center for the development of human resources and the support of local economy (Grecia),
  • Association of Albanian Municipalities (Albania), The most beautiful villages of Italy (Italia),
  • Federación Aragonesa de Municipios Comarcas y Provincias (España),
  • Island Development Agency Ltd (Croacia),
  • University of Algarve (Portugal),
  • Make it Better, Association for Innovation & Social Economy (Portugal).


Funders: ERDF under the European Union's Interreg MED 2014-20 programme.

Project budget: 2.872.000,00 €

Duration of the project: 01/11/19 – 30/06/22



Description of the project:

The MUSOL Foundation is part of the consortium led by ANCI Lazio (Italy) which is implementing the SuSTowns project, financed by the ERDF in the framework of the Interreg Med programme. The project tries to develop tools of planning and management of the tourism that avoid the decline of the small fascinating Mediterranean towns promoting a sustainable and quality tourism. Capitalizing existing tools and applying the most innovative techniques of the total quality management Methodology to public policies, the project will encourage participatory processes of planning and promotion of the small fascinating Mediterranean towns, based on the principle of sustainability and the enhancement of local cultural heritage.

The project is aimed at 445 actors among public entities at local, regional and national level and civil society organizations from Italy, Spain, Albania, Greece, Slovenia, Croatia and Portugal. In particular, the MUSOL Foundation will work on the island of Mallorca with two pilot municipalities in which local action plans will be developed in order to prevent and tackle the decline of tourism using a participatory approach based on the Total Quality Management methodology. In each pilot municipality, a sustainable tourism product/package/itinerary will be designed and promoted through marketing campaigns. Subsequently, the learning generated in the pilot municipalities will be disseminated nationally and internationally through seminars, courses and providing advice to new municipalities that want to join the project. Furthermore, these lessons will be systematised in a sustainable tourism model that will be proposed and disseminated to the regional authorities together with recommendations for the improvement of its public policies on sustainable tourism.


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 Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund

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